Health is a state of well-being that enables a person to lead a physically, psychologically, socially and economically productive life. Health is a right of all the people. All the individual families and communities have responsibility towards maintaining their health. Professional nursing practice is the practice of nursing and delivery of care to meet the needs of society. It is based on a theoretical framework that reflects the underlying philosophy of environment. Evidence based practice is the process of shaping clinical practice based on scientific inquiry.
The dream of Rev. Msgr. Cyriac J Mattathil, the founder of Little Lourdes Charitable Institutions, was fulfilled on 3rd August 2013. A great salute to Rev. Msgr. Cyriac J Mattathil, our founder. On that great day, 3rd August 2013, the college of nursing was inaugurated. The Little Lourdes educational institution has a strong educational background since 1979. It started with JPHN course, followed by diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery and B.Sc Nursing Degree Programme was started from 2013 onwards. This institution is run by SVM sisters of Kottayam Diocese. Our parent hospital is Little Lourdes Mission Hospital.
Explore nowOur Lady of Lourdes is the beacon of our Institution. We are blessed with her motherly protection, power and presence in our day to day life.
Holistic formation of young women as nurses by commitment towards excellence in quality care while participating in the healing ministry of Jesus Christ through innovative approaches to education, research and clinical practice.
Prepare academically and technically sound professional nurses with emphasis on human caring and holistic health with commitment and compassion.
To instill in the staffs and students respect for life at every stages of its growth and in all its manifestation
To inspire the students to reach out to the poor and the marginalized, especially those in the rural areas.
“Education for fullness of life”
We believe Christian doctrine based on the values of Jesus Christ to bring life in fullness. We believe that nursing education prepares graduates to practice within the established professional guidelines and standards and to engage in continuous role development and revision of knowledge. We believe that all patients are accepted and loved unconditionally as children of God. Learning is perceived as a complex, mutual, ongoing process producing a desired change in behaviour of the learner resulting from the acquisition of knowledge and skills.